FREECALL: 1800 655 927
OFFICE: (02) 6884 9422

FREECALL: 1800 874 998
OFFICE: (02) 6885 4531

Domestic Violence Support
Western Women’s Legal Support is a non-profit service that assists women and their children escape the cycle of abuse through specialist legal help, practical support and community education.
The domestic violence unit was launched in 2015 and is a vital part of the Community Legal Centre’s work. Our team provides a holistic service that is trauma-informed, culturally appropriate and non-judgemental. Although based in Dubbo, Western Women’s Legal Support services the wider region. Find your closest outreach location.
Our team consists of solicitors, caseworkers and Aboriginal community support worker and a receptionist.

Legal help
We advise on the following issues:
Victim’s compensation
Child care and protection
Child support
Workplace bullying
Credit & debt
Police complaints
We provide a free support service, assisting women with:
Safety planning & risk management
Advocacy with Centrelink, housing, police and other government agencies
Accessing financial counselling, crisis accommodation & counselling
Court support
Referral to other services