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Feedback and Complaints

We are interested to know what you think about our services. If you have positive feedback, a suggested improvement or want to make a complaint you can:

  • Ask to speak with our Executive Officer;

  • Complete the feedback form below;

  • Email us; or

  • Write to us.


How are complaints dealt with?


Please address any complaints to the Executive Officer, Western NSW Community Legal Centre. Once your complaint has been received it will be allocated to the appropriate person. The person handling your complaint will then:

  • Examine/investigate your concerns;

  • Prepare a response;

  • Inform you, and any person you complained about, regarding the outcome.


You should allow at least 28 days to receive notice about the outcome of your complaint. If it is likely to take longer than this, the person handling your matter will let you know.

Who else will know about your complaint?

A confidential record is kept of all complaints. Only the people involved in resolving your complaint know about it. This includes any member of staff you may have complained about. The nature and outcome of all complaints are reported to the Executive Officer and, if necessary, the centre’s Management Committee. This information is used to improve our services. It also lets us know what we are doing well.

If you need help making a complaint, you can call us on (02) 6884 9422 or visit our office at 51 Bultje Street, Dubbo. Arrangements for an interpreter can also be made. If you would like a support person to help you please let us know.

Outcome of complaints

If you are not satisfied with the outcome of your complaint you can ask for an internal review. You can also refer your complaint to an external body at any time.

Feedback form

Thanks! Your feedback is valued.

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