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ROLLING WITH THE ROADSHOW: When the RRR Roadshow came to Dubbo earlier this year it was all about making ‘Connections’. For an annual event that brings together Community Legal Centres from Rural, Regional and Remote communities the theme was apt. More than a dozen organisations took part in the two-day roadshow hosted by Western NSW Community Legal Centre (WNSWCLC).

Family Law specialist and co-MC, Julia Adamski, said it was an opportunity to relate on a number of levels, and not just professionally.

“It was inspiring to hear how others are connecting with their clients and the different ways they create meaningful and authentic relationships within their communities,” Adamski said.

An out of town bushwalk and a cup of billy-boiled tea on a brisk country morning kicked off proceedings as participants connected with ‘place’ and the enduring legacy of the first Australians.

Creative strategies for self-care, trauma-informed practice, victims’ services, welfare rights, new sentencing laws and the latest plans from Community Legal Centres NSW filled a diverse agenda.

WNSWCLC showcased the work being done in the State’s west where incidents of family and domestic violence remain well above the average. Executive Officer Lianne Davids said the expansion of the Western Women’s Legal Support service was a critical response to the region’s need.

“I can give a snapshot of what’s happening, but for people to see it for themselves and for the staff to bring their own passion to it was really important,” Davids said.

First published in Verbals

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